April 2011 Meeting Minutes



Minutes of the RDC Board of Directors meeting held April 20, 2011 in Lafayette, California.  President Fred Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM.

Members attending: Fred Peterson, President, Enduro Chair, Trophy Chair , Scholarship Chair, SanF Board Liaison; Dave Jalen, Secretary; Anthony Tabacco, Web Master.

1)      Approval of previous meetings minutes:  Fred moved the minutes be approved as corrected.  Tony seconded the motion.  The motion to approve the corrected minutes was passed unanimously.

2)      Membership Report: The updated statistics are that the RDC currently has 80 members, 5 life members and 2 associate members.  The RDC gained 10 new members from Thunderhill in April.

3)      Treasurers Report: Fred reporting: The RDC is solvent at this time as income exceeds expenses.

4)      Website: Tony: The RDC website is the top hit from Google.  Tony stated he has been working on tweaking the site to make it better.

5)      Illgen Enduro:

  1. Fred announced that the RDC will have a limit on the entryies for the 2011 Enduro.  That limit will be 75 cars/teams.
  2. Brian from MotorSportsReg has the needed information and is planning to update the registration forms online so that registration for the Enduro will be done online.
  3. Some of the trophies from previous Enduros need minor correction.  One new trophy is also needed.  Fred is working to resolve these minor trophy issues.

6)      Mentoring Program: Michael Lyden, an ITX driver from Chico, has requested a mentor.  Fred will connect him with a qualified driver to provide Michael with a mentor.

7) SCCA Liaison Report: SFR Board meeting was held on 4/2/11 at the Provista office.  Sherry Grantz, Dave Allen, Michael Nieman, Brion Ghidinelli, Michael Smith, Tam Luu, and Fred Peterson attended.  Dave Allen was not able to attend the entire meeting.

  1. a. Reg. Adm report - Driver's School registration went well.  There were a few problems that MotorSportsReg (MSR) is working to eliminate.  An "E-Script" program was reviewed and determined to not be a good fit for SFR.
  2. b. About 15 new volunteers have been actively brought into crews by the Volunteer Coordinator’s activities.
  3. c. Thunderhill - The windmills are working but #3 needs a part replaced.  The electricity production from the windmills should net out with Thunderhill’s demands.
  4. d. There is a new "Food Services" provider at Thunderhill and as with many changes there are some "teething" issues.  The goal is for the food services provider to be "profitable".  There is a new "medical" building and a new Thunderhill Worker break room.
  5. e. 2011 Wheel - results are good so far and still improving.  Work is being done to improve the income generated from the ads.
  6. f. On Line Registration is going well.  MSR is very responsive.  The car count and entry list is on-line at MSR and will be transferred to the  SFR website automatically at the close of registration.
  7. g. A 2 Day Double Regional schedule is very difficult and not everyone will be happy.
  8. h. 2011 Banquet will need to change venues since the San Ramon Marriott will be remodeling during that period.  Several other venues are being reviewed.
  9. i. The car count at SFR’s Double National was acceptable because there were several F1000 entries.
  10. j. 2011 trophy selection plan was presented by Michael Nieman.  It includes several new trophies and met the budget guidelines.

8)      Newsletter: No report

9)      Will Pool Memorial Scholarship: Fred is working on the new application form and updated his progress to date.

10)  Old Business

  1. 2012 Membership Dues: Tabled
  2. Donations for SFR’s Socials:
    1. i.       The RDC provided a $400 donation for the post race Social held Saturday night at the season opener at Thunderhill.
    2. ii.      The possibility of the RDC making a donation for the July Double Regional to be held at Thunderhill was discussed.  The Saturday night Social could be expanded to include a dinner for the workers, drivers and guests.
  3. Checker flags: No report

11)  New Business:  None


The next meeting will be held on May 18th, Wednesday, in Lafayette at 7 PM.

President Fred Peterson adjourned the meeting at 8:36 PM.

Dave Jalen, Secretary, respectfully submits these minutes.

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