Minutes of the RDC Board of Directors meeting held April 20, 2011 in Lafayette, California. President Fred Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM.
Members attending: Fred Peterson, President, Enduro Chair, Trophy Chair , Scholarship Chair, SanF Board Liaison; Dave Jalen, Secretary; Anthony Tabacco, Web Master.
1) Approval of previous meetings minutes: Fred moved the minutes be approved as corrected. Tony seconded the motion. The motion to approve the corrected minutes was passed unanimously.
2) Membership Report: The updated statistics are that the RDC currently has 80 members, 5 life members and 2 associate members. The RDC gained 10 new members from Thunderhill in April.
3) Treasurers Report: Fred reporting: The RDC is solvent at this time as income exceeds expenses.
4) Website: Tony: The RDC website is the top hit from Google. Tony stated he has been working on tweaking the site to make it better.
5) Illgen Enduro:
- Fred announced that the RDC will have a limit on the entryies for the 2011 Enduro. That limit will be 75 cars/teams.
- Brian from MotorSportsReg has the needed information and is planning to update the registration forms online so that registration for the Enduro will be done online.
- Some of the trophies from previous Enduros need minor correction. One new trophy is also needed. Fred is working to resolve these minor trophy issues.
6) Mentoring Program: Michael Lyden, an ITX driver from Chico, has requested a mentor. Fred will connect him with a qualified driver to provide Michael with a mentor.
7) SCCA Liaison Report: SFR Board meeting was held on 4/2/11 at the Provista office. Sherry Grantz, Dave Allen, Michael Nieman, Brion Ghidinelli, Michael Smith, Tam Luu, and Fred Peterson attended. Dave Allen was not able to attend the entire meeting.
- a. Reg. Adm report - Driver's School registration went well. There were a few problems that MotorSportsReg (MSR) is working to eliminate. An "E-Script" program was reviewed and determined to not be a good fit for SFR.
- b. About 15 new volunteers have been actively brought into crews by the Volunteer Coordinator’s activities.
- c. Thunderhill - The windmills are working but #3 needs a part replaced. The electricity production from the windmills should net out with Thunderhill’s demands.
- d. There is a new "Food Services" provider at Thunderhill and as with many changes there are some "teething" issues. The goal is for the food services provider to be "profitable". There is a new "medical" building and a new Thunderhill Worker break room.
- e. 2011 Wheel - results are good so far and still improving. Work is being done to improve the income generated from the ads.
- f. On Line Registration is going well. MSR is very responsive. The car count and entry list is on-line at MSR and will be transferred to the SFR website automatically at the close of registration.
- g. A 2 Day Double Regional schedule is very difficult and not everyone will be happy.
- h. 2011 Banquet will need to change venues since the San Ramon Marriott will be remodeling during that period. Several other venues are being reviewed.
- i. The car count at SFR’s Double National was acceptable because there were several F1000 entries.
- j. 2011 trophy selection plan was presented by Michael Nieman. It includes several new trophies and met the budget guidelines.
8) Newsletter: No report
9) Will Pool Memorial Scholarship: Fred is working on the new application form and updated his progress to date.
10) Old Business
- 2012 Membership Dues: Tabled
- Donations for SFR’s Socials:
- i. The RDC provided a $400 donation for the post race Social held Saturday night at the season opener at Thunderhill.
- ii. The possibility of the RDC making a donation for the July Double Regional to be held at Thunderhill was discussed. The Saturday night Social could be expanded to include a dinner for the workers, drivers and guests.
- Checker flags: No report
11) New Business: None
The next meeting will be held on May 18th, Wednesday, in Lafayette at 7 PM.
President Fred Peterson adjourned the meeting at 8:36 PM.
Dave Jalen, Secretary, respectfully submits these minutes.