May 2011 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the RDC Board of Directors meeting held May 19, 2011 in Lafayette, California.  President Fred Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM.

Members attending: Fred Peterson, President, Enduro Chair, Trophy Chair , SFR Board Liaison; Dave Jalen, Secretary; Anthony Tabacco, Web Master, Scholarship Chair.

  1. Approval of previous meetings minutes:  Fred moved the minutes be approved as corrected.  Tony seconded the motion.  The motion to approve the corrected minutes was passed unanimously.
  2. Membership Report: Fred: The membership has increased by one new member since last month.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Fred:  Income exceeded expenses in the previous month.
  4. Web Site: Tony reporting:  The RDC site is current.  There are links to other racer discussion boards/sites.  The site is working as planned.
  5. Enduro Report: Fred reporting:
    1. The trophies have been cleaned and updated.  The cost was $166.
    2. There will be a new trophy for SRF.  The RDC has budgeted up to $200 for the new trophy.
    3. The cost of entering the Enduro through MotorSportsReg was discussed.  It was agreed to offer a $30 discount for early registration, on or before October 10, 2011.  This would be two Mondays before the Enduro.
  6. Mentoring program: Fred reporting:  Two students have requested mentoring and

will be assigned mentors.

  1. SCCA Liaison Report: None, the next SFR Board meeting is June 24, 2011
  2. Will Pool Scholarship:
    1. A new form will be placed on the website for the application.
    2. The board will need additional input for the new form.
  3. Old Business
    1. 2012 structure:  Tabled.
    2. Donations to SCCA Socials.  There has not been any progress to report.  More information is still being sought.

New Business:  Fred modeled the RDC driver’s suit with the RDC and SCCA

patches sewn on.

The next meeting will be determined later. The possibility of conducting the RDC business with e-mail was discussed.

President Fred Peterson adjourned the meeting at 7:55 PM.

Dave Jalen, Secretary, respectfully submits these minutes.


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