Minutes of the RDC Board of Directors meeting held August 1, 2012 in Oakland, California. Vice-President Rod Simmons called the meeting to order at 7:25 PM.
Members attending: Rod Simmons: Vice President & Newsletter Editor; Dave Jalen: Secretary; Anthony Tabacco: Web Master, Scholarship Chair, SanF Board Member & Mentoring Chair
- Approval of previous meetings minutes: This action was tabled pending Fred’s return.
- Membership Report: A discussion was held regarding the use of PayPal or MotorSportReg as a way to pay for RDC membership. The cost was believed to be $.99 per transaction and would allow members to renew or join more easily.
- Treasurer’s Report: Fred: Absent
- Web Site: Tony reporting: The RDC site is up and running well. Tony is constantly monitoring the site. The RDC points are posted on the site.
- Enduro Report:
- The concept of a “Race within a Race” was discussed.
- The question of Fred’s ability to be an active Enduro Chair was raised.
- The use and need for helmet cards was discussed. The need for Tech and Medical to monitor the current driver of the car was discussed.
- Rod will check with Gary C regarding Enduro support.
- Rod conducted a retrospective study of past Enduros from 1995 to the present (2011). He found that the average number of drivers per car has changed very little over that period of time. The average is 2.5 to 2.7 drivers per car. These numbers follow the SFRegion’s numbers as well as the current US economy.
- The need for a race official with a personal knowledge and experience of how the Enduro is run was discussed. One such individual is Marcy Crawford.
- Mentoring program: Tony: The Sears drive-arounds went well.
7. SCCA Liaison Report: Tony reporting:
a. The SF Region is constantly monitoring the fiscal budget for each race.
b. The volunteer who was injured at Laguna Seca was discussed. She was injured exiting the turn box/flag station at Turn 10. The updating of all the turn boxes at Laguna was discussed and estimates will be acquired. A donation may be made to Thunderhill Properties which may then make a donation to SCRAMP.
c. The Laguna Seca and Sears point events were big successes. They were very well attended.
d. The Thunderhill event at the end of August (Rounds 11 & 12) will be a three day event not a two day event.
8. Newsletter-Rod reporting: Rod will write the column for Fred for the upcoming issue of the newsletter. Rod is concerned about the readership of the newsletter. He only had two responses to his last request.
9. 2012 Will Pool Driver Scholarship: No report.
10. Old Business
- Fred and Rod previewed the installation of the corner light at Thunderhill. They were not complete and are a work in progress. They could not be used as of now because they are not mentioned in the event’s supps.
- Orientation laps were conducted at Sears with TonyT, DaveJ and Michael Niemann doing the driving with FredP monitoring the Region’s radio frequency.
- The Festival Race awards were discussed.
- New Business:
- A motion was made by Rod and seconded by Tony that Fred has to heal very quickly so that he can return to conducting the RDC meetings and Chair the Enduro. The motion passed unanimously.
The next meeting will be determined later.
Vice-President Rod Simmons adjourned the meeting at 8:43 PM.
Dave Jalen, Secretary, respectfully submits these minutes.