Minutes June 2013



 Minutes of the RDC Board of Directors meeting held June 19, 2013 in Oakland, California.  President Fred Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:48 PM.

 Members attending: Fred Peterson: President & Enduro Chair; Rod Simmons: Vice President & Newsletter Editor; Dave Jalen: Secretary; Anthony Tabacco: Web Master, Scholarship Chair, SanF Board Member & Mentoring Chair, Gary Corsiglia (via video conference call) RDC Points Chairman

 1)      Approval of previous meetings minutes:  Rod moved that the minutes of the May 1, 2013 meeting be approved as corrected.  Gary seconded the motion.  The motion to approve the corrected minutes was passed unanimously.

2)      Membership Report: Fred:

a)      Total membership now stands at 36.

3)      Treasures Report: Fred:

a)      The RDC has enough capital in the bank to cover its expenses.

4)      Website: Tony: 

a)      The RDC website is up to date.

b)      The 4th column of the RDC Championship point’s standings is not being  displayed correctly on the site.  Tony will correct this.

c)       Tony will post Enduro info on RDC website.  The RDC Facebook page needs more photos.

5)      Newsletter:

a)      Rod does not plan on publishing a newsletter any time soon due to a lack

of interest of the membership.

b)      Print media is dying and there has been a shift to social media i.e. Facebook and

     the RDC website.

6)      Driver Development:

a)      Mentoring: No report.

b)      Track Orientation:  Sonoma Raceway/Sears Point Raceway: Fred will

assemble a team of top notch drivers to conduct the orientation laps.

      c)  Good sportsmanship should always be stressed.

7)      RDC Championship Points: Gary:

a)      The points are up to date and posted on the RDC’s website

b)      NOTE:  It was decided that there will be only one trophy per member per year.

8) Enduro: Fred:

      a) There will be six classes for tag team car teams or Multiple drivers in one car.

b)      If there are 4 M&M teams (SMG-Mustang & SM-Miata) the RDC will add another class for this group/class.

c)      The RDC has given patches the last few years.  This year, the RDC will give out hats.  The cost of the hats will be $4 each and 400 hats will be made.

9 ) SCCA liaison: Tony:

      a) In 2014, San Francisco Region will host a Major.

 10) Annual Awards:

a.       It was suggested that on the RDC website, that the Club mention who the awards are named after and what they did to achieve this.

11) Old Business:

                   a.  Fred: Update on the filing status for the RDC’s tax exempt status.  The

                        state of California has received the required funds and forms.  The state

                         said they will need at least an additional 90 days to process the RDC’s

                         request.  Morris Ham has dealt with issues such as the RDC’s before. 

12) New Business:  Festival prizes for the Sonoma Raceway SM Festival race were

      discussed. It was agreed that the RDC would give 2 memberships and 2 I/O Port

       gift certificates in the amount of $75 each.

The next meeting will be held at the home of Rod Simmons in Oakland on July 17, 2013 at 7:00 PM.

President Fred Peterson adjourned the meeting at 8:59 PM.

Dave Jalen, Secretary, respectfully submits these minutes.

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